t3con Munich
26. - 27.10.2016


Day 1 - Business Day

Day 1, 11:30 — 12:15, Platform.sh

Doing RE.A.L. Projects.

Sven Ditz

The RE.A.L.-Talk in Amsterdam last year was voted the best presentation of the T3CON15. After that in 2016 the agile Agency-Concept „RE.A.L.“ had a great resonance in the public, what you do best read on the RE.A.L.-Blog best: real.sitegeist.rocks.

This year the CON-talk is fully packed with frequently asked questions and the answer from real projects:

  • How can you convince customers to forget „Silly-Old-School“ behaviour?
  • How to introduce such a concept in practice?
  • What are the requirements ?
  • What are the biggest problems ?
  • What are the real advantages? Measurable?

RE.A.L. in brief: Forget old school business, welcome to the RE.A.L. world — No offers, no specifications, no contracts, no sprints — It really works: sitegeist is doing most of their projects and turnover with #RawEstimates“ and „RE.A.L.“

During the agile transition of its company, sitegeist combined L.ean and A.gile components with R.aw E.stimates to create the most efficient agency concept you can imagine.

The costumers pay sitegeist per hour, even in their biggest projects.

Get the main idea of „RawEstimates“ und „The RE.A.L.-Concept“ with practical examples, take a look on how to install and control it.

This talk can be a real game-changer for your agency.

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